Friday, September 9, 2016

Viral Gone Wrong: Mattress Store Air Offensive 9/11 Commercial

A Mattress store airs a very offensive 9/11 commercial starring Jabba the Hutt.

Turns out making fun of 9/11 isn't the best way to sell products. Checkout the backlash they got on their review sites:

Apparently the owner had no knowledge of the video and that his daughter (daughter the hutt) was the one who posted it. Now this one video has absolutely ruined their business.

SEO Take Away: There is such a thing as bad publicity. A retail store is not the place to try out your edgy online content that offends a majority of people (duh). In a day and age where your stupidity can spread like herpes you should probably watch what you post. Shows like Family Guy and Tosh.0 can get away with making 9/11 comments because it's their job to invoke those kinds of feelings and emotions. Your job was to sell mattresses. You're killing me, Larry.

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